Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rettungsdienst Frankfurt

I started my career in Germany as a volunteer ambo. So, going back there it was a given that I'd pop in to say hi to a few colleagues - and then I even managed to get a nightshift with them!

Unfortunately the pics didn't turn out well, but above are a few so you can get an idea of the workspace of Paramedics in Frankfurt.

Things work quite differently over there. For one, they have emergency doctors in response cars. Paramedics aren't allowed to do as much as in Australia, UK, US etc. I am preparing a couple of more blog posts to follow, comparing the (West) Australian Ambulance Service to the service in London and Frankfurt.

Until then, I have a night shift to go to tonight. After two weeks in continental Europe, I may have forgotten on what side of the road we drive on over here, but not to worry: I can always switch on the flashing lights in case I get confused...